What to expect

While each treatment is individualized, there is a framework that you can rely upon which undergirds our work together. Each step of treatment builds upon the next.

Treatment always begins with a conversation. This is a time for you to “arrive” in the room. During this conversation we will discuss whatever you want to bring to the treatment. I will also ask questions meant to guide the point selection process.

Next, I will listen to your pulses. More than just noticing the rate, I also pay attention to rhythm, amplitude, intensity, and quality at different spots along the radial pulse. These various attributes constellate into a detailed health picture.

Moxibustion typically follows pulses. This is a heat therapy method which involves burning mugwort on or near various acupuncture points. Moxibustion is a powerful intervention which soothes and enlivens. It can also be thought of as “warming up the room” of the points selected for needling.

All of these steps prepare the field for acupuncture. Acupuncture involves the insertion of thin, sterile needles into points on the body. The tradition of point selection is vast. In Five Element acupuncture we select points based on their spiritual, mental, and physical effects.

After treatment your entire being is processing. Processing is the domain of the Earth element, the element which rules the Spleen and Stomach. To support yourself, please listen to your gut with especial care. Notice how you feel, how your body feels, and the messages you get from your mind as a result of the rest of your day. You may find it beneficial to jot down some notes in order to reflect upon later. Some people also find that napping or an early bedtime feel wonderful after acupuncture treatment.